Pandora’s box


Edward Snowden opened a Pandora’s box about surveillance. This multimedia installation explores how private companies benefit from surveillance strategies to prevent workers from protesting and how they can selectively reprimand them in case of disobedience.

A worker from a logistics company who wants to protest against the inhuman working conditions, extremely short food breaks that force the workers to eat in the toilets is offered a gift voucher which is rendered invalid when the worker still desires to go ahead with his plans



Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-24 um 03.36.13

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-24 um 03.36.44

Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-24 um 03.36.57

5 amazon black gutscheinw

6 amazon black gutschein ungültig (2)w

7 letter 1st day 1st pagew

8 letter 1st day 2 nd pagew

9 letter 2nd day 1st pagew